The Greedy Dragon Of Ambition
?by: Jakob Jelling
The greedy dragon of ambition is a very special dragon; he will always help you taking advantage of any new situation which offers a good opportunity. This dragon would never let an opportunity to be lost or waste, he is always attentive to them and ready to do what it takes.
Dragons are one of the most powerful and symbolic creatures for feng shui and oriental cultures, and there are several different myths built around them. There is, for example, the dragon of golden opportunities who takes care of helping business people achieving their goals; and there is the dragon of abundance who specializes in attracting prosperity and wealth to those who own it.
The greedy dragon is a very special one since it helps us paying attention to any opportunity which might appear and which we might have left pass if it wasn't for his help. Very often we don't realize of the chances which an opportunity offers until we have actually lost it, and this is what the greedy dragon of ambition would help us avoiding. By keeping a greedy dragon of ambition within our home or our office, we would become much more attentive to every new opportunity which might come to us.
Most of the times, opportunities are given only once and randomly, and very often we don? notice them and actually let them pass and lose them. Therefore, it is highly important that we are ready to spot them and take advantage of what they can offer at the exact moment they appear and before they run away. According to feng shui and Chinese traditions, by having a greedy dragon of ambition we would be always attentive and ready to spot the opportunities which might cross our way.
The greedy dragon of ambition believes he is better than everybody else, which makes him feel self secure enough as not to let anyone move him away from his outstanding place. Therefore, he is always where he wishes and ready to hold every new opportunity which might appear and which shows a potential benefit for his owner.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need! |