Lanzhou University
Lanzhou University has undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students on four campuses, three in Lanzhou City and one 45 minutes away in Yuzhong. The undergraduate students study at the Yuzhong campus. There are a total of approximately 20,000 students enrolled in Lanzhou University.
In the past Lanzhou University was one of China's top schools, founded in about 1908 it once had some of the best facilities and most prestigious professors in all of China. It still maintains its position as the best university in Northwestern China, though a couple of the schools in Xi'an (which is central not northwestern China) are considered to be of an equivalent level.
Currently Lanzhou University maintains one of the top ten Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D. programs in Physics and Chemistry and high level programs in Biology, Botany, Ecology and Chinese literature.
Lanzhou University's main campus is a ten minute walk from Lanzhou Train Station. Parts of the campus is extremely beautiful in comparison to the rest of Lanzhou, with a small park and man-made pond. However, other buildings, such as the dormitories, have been in disrepair. However, the students are very diligent regardless of the surroundings.
Lanzhou University employs foreign professors in languages (English, Russian and Japanese) and in Physics as well as frequently inviting guest lecturers from a variety of fields.
- http://www.lzu.edu.cn Website
Category:Chinese universities
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Last Modified: 2005-04-13 |