Boundary Street
Boundary Street is a three-lane one-way street in Kowloon, Hong Kong,
Historically it marked the boundary between the southern part of Kowloon, ceded by Qing Dynasty|Qing China to United Kingdom|Great Britain in 1860, and the northern part of Kowloon (New Kowloon), which remained part of China until it was leased as part of the New Territories to United Kingdom|Great Britain in 1898 for 99 years.
In modern day conversations, however, New Kowloon is often not regarded as part of the New Territories, but as part of the Kowloon urban area (on both sides of Boundary Street).
On July 1, 1997, sovereignty of the territories on both sides of Boundary Street were handover (history)|transfer from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China, along with the rest of Hong Kong.
- Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory|The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory (展拓香港界址專條)
Category:Streets and roads in Hong Kong
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Wikipedia article "Boundary Street".
Last Modified: 2005-03-07 |